Sara Delamont teaches in the School of Social Sciences at Cardiff University. Her books include Appetites and identities: An introduction to the social anthropology of Western Europe (1994), The doctoral experience: Success and failure in graduate school (with P. Atkinson and O. Parry, 2000), Fieldwork in educational settings: Methods, pitfalls and procedures (2nd ed, 2002), Supervising the doctorate (with P. Atkinson and O. Parry, 2004), and Handbook of ethnography (edited with P. Atkinson, A. Coffey, J. Lofland and L. Lofland, 2001, paperback 2007). Her research interests centre on the sociology of education, sociology of the professions including science, qualitative methods, and capoeira: habitus and embodiment. She can be contacted at delamont(AT)
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