Exploring Meaningfully and Creatively the Tensions Arising out of Collaborations: An Anthropological Perspective


  • Rachael Marie Scicluna University of Manchester




collaborations, open-ended method, domestic kitchen, older lesbians, London


The issue of working with a set agenda, designed by a larger collaborative project, is core to this article. By using my own experience, I will consider the ways in which established project themes can influence and shape the open-ended method of anthropological research and the final outcome. Additionally, this article will contemplate upon dilemmas of being a young anthropologist while seeking to gain ethnographic authority within a collaborative scenario outside the discipline of anthropology.

Author Biography

Rachael Marie Scicluna, University of Manchester

Rachael M. Scicluna is a social anthropologist based at the University of Manchester and is conducting her post-doctorate on an ESRC funded project titled Under the Same Roof. Rachael was awarded her doctorate in 2013, where she took an anthropological approach to domestic space, mainly that of the kitchen, through the experiences of a group of older lesbians living in London. She has been awarded a book contract by Palgrave Macmillan to turn her doctoral thesis into a monograph titled Home, Domestic Space and Sexuality.


